Children's Ministries

Imagine a place where children are welcome in worship.

They are encouraged.

They are loved.

They are heard.

They are led, by example, to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.


Bethel United Methodist Church strives to be such a place. We believe that it is our responsibility to invest in the lives of our children, and that children need to invest in the life of the Church. To reach that goal we offer the following opportunities for children to know and experience God's grace...

  • Sunday SChool

    CLICK HERE to register for a new season of Sunday School!

    Sunday school is offered during the 9:15 worship service year-round. The children attend the 9:15 service and are dismissed after enjoying worship time through song with their parents. We currently provide classes for the following age groups: 2s & 3s, 4s & 5s (Kindergarten), 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th & 5th grade, and 6th - 8th grades. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Katie Davis.

  • Bethel Christian School

    Bethel's Christian School provides top-quality Christian education for children, ages 2 through kindergarten, and kindergarten enrichment. Specific information about class schedules, tuition fees, curriculum, and much more can be obtained by calling the school at 645-5132.

    The BCS mission is:

    " lay a foundation for learning where children feel safe and loved, where they are challenged, encouraged to learn, discover and grow emotionally, socially, physically, spiritually and educationally. We will strive to create an environment where children will develop a loving, trusting relationship with God and grow in wisdom, faith and love."

    Visit their website HERE

    Like their Facebook page HERE

  • Children's Music Ministry

    There are two children's choirs at Bethel: King's Kids, for Kindergarten through 2nd grade children, and "J" Crew, for 3rd through 6th grade children. Both choirs have the same goal in mind - to connect children to God through music. 

    Through singing, handbell ringing, acting and playing, the children learn more about their Savior, Jesus Christ, while developing a greater understanding of the mechanics of music. Offering their gifts of music during worship services allows them the opportunity to help lead in worship and instills within them the knowledge that worship is really more about giving than getting. 

    To learn more about rehearsal times and locations, or to get information about other music ministry opportunities, CLICK HERE.

  • Vacation Bible School

    Vacation Bible School...three little words that have the power to chase away those boring-summer-day blues. Where children can learn about God and grow in their faith along with friends, old and new, and have a BLAST at the same time...there's just nothing like VBS!